Sunday, November 23, 2008

Karma in Twin Peaks

Karma is a belief that what goes around comes around. I believe that David Lavery used this idea to portray no bad deed goes unpunished. For example, Leo Johnson abusing and degrading his wife Shelley Johnson at the beginning could be his karma that got him shot and paralyzed. In my opinion Lavery purposely made Leo’s attitude cocky and arrogant throughout the series so that when he was in a comma, depending on Shelley, he would learn to be humble, and treat others with the same respect he would want to be treated with. The same goes for Benjamin Horn, who ended up in jail for something he did not do, but it was the price that he paid for all the dirty schemes that he committed in the past, and for the crimes he had planned for the future. Catherine Martell blackmails Horn in the same way that he did others, giving him want he deserved.

Sixto V.

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