Sunday, November 23, 2008


In the series of Twin Peaks David Lynch portrayed different characters as having Dissociative identity disorder; this is having two personalities or being schizophrenic. Leland Palmer is the perfect example of this. The alternate identity of Leland, and for all intensive purposes, BOB is the demon that possesses him. BOB is the incarnation of evil in Twin Peaks. BOB is a manifestation of the thought that evil is, in some sense, not a part of ourselves, but that it preys on us, eats our soul, and possesses us. In Twin peaks the good and the bad are two separable entities, two modes of reality, existing, as it were two forces. What is so scary about BOB is that he is not motivated by anything. He is, in a way, "abstract". He is simply driven to do evil. David Lynch portrays BOB as a force that can’t be stopped and a force that can affect us all; the good and evil in all of us, the way it does Cooper in the second season. This is what I believe Lynch was trying to portray with BOB.

~Devin M.

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